Friday, June 29, 2018

School holidays


A shout out to all you Mum's trying to put your health first!

For me school holidays are a love hate thing, love not getting up early or being on a schedule but hate how school holidays meant that my 'diet' and gym routine were also on holidays..... Anyone else?

So I decided to use this 2 week holidays to start a new holidays trend! I am getting my kids involved in the food prep, letting them decide whats for dinner while also adding some fun and adventure into the holidays.

Farmers markets will be a great place to teach my kiddies where the plant based diet really comes to life,  meet the farmers and see what veg is in season now. Then I will show them how to wash and prepare the veg for storing in the fridge. I am also going to teach them about fermenting foods which is not only a great way to preserve food but also fantastic for gut health!

I also want my kiddies to unplug and get out into the fresh air! It's my fault too as I must admit when they are plugged into their devices the house is lovely and quiet BUT its time to unplug and connect with family and the great outdoors. Its too cold for camping here but definitely not too cold for some road trips to great hiking tracks :)

I am taking on a small challenge of saying no to plastic bags for July so I want to get the kiddies involved in that too, I already have my handy produce bags and my basket but I think I will purchase some more produce bags and a couple of bread bags. I plan to go back to bread making so that will eliminate bagged bread, I just have to remember to say no to bags at some of my fave veg stalls as a couple still use plastic bags but this is where the kiddies can remind me!

I also purchased a greenhouse, so I reckon the kiddies can help me set that up as its HUGE and maybe they have greener thumbs than mine! I have started some seeds ready for the green house,  I'm looking at doing small crops of the veg we eat most and maybe one or two things we haven't tried yet.

So what are your holiday plans?

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