Sunday, June 17, 2018

Whole Food Plant Based is expensive?

Short answer NO

Long answer any lifestyle change comes at with expenses BUT once your kitchen, pantry, fridge and freezer are set up you will be blown away by just how much you will save!

I used to think 'How can you put a price on your health?' legit question right..... Hmmm not so much because the reality of this question was 'what health product could I put a price on' I was under the impression health either came from a pill from your doctor or from a special health food shop that came with special price tags!

I have now realised that the price of health is the price of a book :)
Although I was very lucky as a very special lady gifted me this amazing life changing book!

When I first decide to change my lifestyle, I just started with the instructions in this book and I was blown away with how inexpensive it was to feed myself and I found that the recipes made enough for my family to eat the same as me except I still added meat BUT the portion was that of a side and the veg dish took up 3/4 of the plate. This meant that not only was I eating healthfully but so too was my family with little extra work (no two different meals in this house)

As a side note, I am gradually transitioning my family but I wont take anything away from them it is their CHOICE, I educate them and allow them to sample and experience whole food plant based without pressure.

I finished my 4 week plan, I didn't feel frightened by the end unlike plans in the past instead I felt empowered to continue and change my lifestyle FURTHER!

I started to research and further educate myself and my family.

Eat to live, fork over knives are great beginner documentaries, one thing that stayed with me was we have more drugs now than we ever did just like we have more disease than we ever did! The other thing that stuck with me was whats more difficult changing your lifestyle to plant based or having surgery?

So mostly I myself get told that its too expensive, this graphic was posted on Emma Roche's Facebook group page and it really does explain the difference between Vegan and Plant based:

My shopping bill has drastically reduced, the way I shop has drastically changed!

My veggie bill for the past 4 weeks comes to the total of $92 for a family of 5, my veggies came with dirt on them, no pesticides and they didn't come in plastic and they were picked fresh that morning. How do I do it, I go to farmers markets! I get all my fruit and veg from local farmers, the taste is out of this world :)

I wanted to go even further and change out every product I use and replace it with a natural product. So I now make my own home remedies for headaches, colds and flu, tummy aches etc mostly with essential oils of herbal teas. I now make my own deodorant, toothpaste and skincare I also replaced all my makeup with vegan plant based.

I'm now planning to grow my own herbs and some veg, make my own kombucha, sauerkraut, sauces, dressing, tofu and plant based cheeses.

I am loving being in the kitchen, I'm loving knowing that what I am putting into my body and my families bodies is nourishing us but mostly I am just so glad to no longer be confused by what is good for us!

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