Monday, June 11, 2018

The holistic bit

I never took much stock in what my body was made up, what is needed let alone the mind and the spirit..... In fact I feel really stupid right now!

So when I started feeling better after detoxing I started to see how amazing my body is and how I needed to look after it and to do it in a way where I was treating the whole not just the symptom!

So I decided I needed to go back to school but not any old school I needed the alternative kind. So I enrolled in an alternative therapy college and signed up for a holistic health course, so far I have completed Aromatherapy, Massage & Wholefood plant based diet next I am studying herbal remedies.

Even though I have only scratched the surface I have already managed to heal my body in ways I never thought possible, My doctor wanted to put me on hormonal replacement and now my body has righted itself with the simple change of my diet. I no longer use Panadol or any other pain killers, I have managed tummy aches, head colds, muscle pains (exercise induced) all with Essential oils and herbal tea as well as the odd massage from my hubby.

For 3 months I have been completely chemical free, both in my home and what I put in my body. It's been a long road of research, label reading and time testing products to find what works for me and my family. All I can say is the time and effort is worth it :)

It all started with a list of this I use on a daily bases and then I researched to find replacements. You can do this to :)

I've also started making a lot of my replacements, things like lip balm and deodorant. Its cheaper, you know exactly whats in it and its so rewarding when you can share these homemade gifts with your friends and family :)

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