Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Man flu *achooo*

Women down women down!!!!

Man flu has got me!

Pass the loo roll......

So when I am usually sick I just chug down some over the counter 'drugs' and push on, bugger the Dr cause he'll either say its a cold let it run its course or here have some antibiotics (I'm not sure if you can tell but my faith in Drs has dwindled) BUT the last thing I want to do is put CRAP into my obviously compromised body!

Since transitioning to WFPB (Whole Food Plant Based) I haven't been sick, not even a headache! So being bed ridden is annoying me to say the least!! So between catching up on Facebook gossip and Netflix binge watching I have come to understand why I am sick, its my bodies way of telling me I've been a JERK!

Yep I sure have, first I take away all the stuff its used to, then throw all this 'new' stuff at it, hit the gym hard, work night and day on my varies commitments, run the family home, play nurse at night to all the germy kiddies and yet I expect my body to keep up... I am a JERK!


So I've kept kiddies home, made a huge batch of stop flu soup, made some essential oil shower fizzies, made a cough syrup and my sweet hubby bought me vegan herbal caps that help reduce flu symptoms. Lots of green tea, fresh veg and fruit with a well balanced Netflix binge hehe

Today is day two in bed and I am already feeling better, I am still a snot monster but I am an awake snot monster lol and plan to use my day wisely. I've bought my laptop to bed and plan to order essential oils, more packaging (as I have sold out again) and plot to take over the world I mean plot my business plan hehe oh I also did the shopping, organised a sweet 16th and told mother off for not looking after herself so I think I've earned a nap :)

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