Saturday, June 16, 2018

Mind over matter

When I first started, I started transitioning gradually.

Lets be honest its a HUGE change your undertaking!

I've also discovered that its not just food and that what I think is just as important!

I've tried to 'get healthy' 'lose weight' for a very long time, I've tried many diets, potions and exercise programs. Some were successful but then I'd go back to my old ways and gain it all back and usually with extra! 

I never put much thought into why I gained it all back, I thought it was me being lazy or that I had no self control..... But the reality is that my mind wasn't in it!

When I was at my healthiest weight I still saw a fat chick, I still saw my fat rolls, my fat ass and my thick thighs. I look back on photos now and don't see any of those things, I now look in the mirror and feel sad that I let myself go! 

Negative self talk 

In order for me to change my thoughts I had to forgive myself, forgive my past choices and wipe the slate clean, it was time to start fresh :)

I decided to try flower essence.

Twice a day under the tongue, hold it under your tongue and think of your past melting away and the weight of your past leaving you as your heart opens up to the new freedom. 
I found this utterly freeing, I even marked the occasion with a tattoo so that I will always have a reminder of how far I have come and how amazing I felt so that in times of doubt I can look at it and remember.

I also keep a journal, it's a great way to try and process the good and the bad. Its a great way to keep track of my progress as well as track where I might be going wrong, its a great learning tool and a great way to cope.

I'm no longer allowing my past to interfere with my future, I am taking control of my mental health as well as my physical health! And boy oh boy I cannot tell you how empowering it feels :)

And guess what... you can do it too :)

Do it your way!

Find what works for you :)

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