Monday, June 25, 2018

Dealing with stress

As a mum of three (four when you include hubby :P) 
stress is a natural part of every day life, I myself am always watching the clock, checking my 'to do' list, reminding the kids to grab their lunch (usually checking if lunch is actually in their bags and they're not just saying it) watch the time slip away as my patients wears thin, usually ask myself how many times do I have to do this till they can do it themselves..... Where's your shoes? where's your socks? why are you still eating brekky? WE ARE LATE!!!!

An this is just the week days!

Then your juggling work, extended family, friendships, staying active,  eating healthy...... The list goes on and on!

But what about the stress that we don't see, the toll that our thoughts have on our bodies?

So I started to realize that a lot of my 'symptoms' where stress related, it was this AHA moment that got me looking into ways that I could naturally and holistically treat my stress.

So I started with what I already had in my house (remember I was the fad queen so a lot of things are still floating around my house) I had a great selection of essential oils, now what I love about essential oils is not only can they replace the need for some modern day medicines they also all have multiple purposes so one oil can 'fix' multiple problems!
For example Lavender essential oil:

I always use a carrier oil and I use a therapeutic dose, so if I am massaging my tummy I will use carrier oil in the palm of my hand it would be about the size of a 20 cent piece then I would add 1 drop of essential oil, I usually choose 2-3 oils so a drop of each. I then massage in clock wise circular stroke this helps to aid digestion, move lymph and stimulate blood circulation.

Essential oils can aid weightloss, improve moods, increase detoxification, improve skin and so much more.

But do your homework, just like buying food when your buying essential oils read labels, buy a brand that you can trust! I personally use doTerra and AWO I use oils topically, in my bath water and in my diffuser.

I have also been using dry brushing with a natural bamboo brush, in long strokes starting from your toes and working up the body, stroke towards the heart in an upward motion with a firm pressure (start off light and as your body adjust get firmer) I do this every second day before I hop into a nice hot shower. On the other day I use exfoliating gloves with a vegan soap that has lemongrass essential oils in. These exfoliating techniques don't just get rid of dead skin, they also aid in detoxifying, moving lymph towards the two drainage points near the collar bone but also bring in fresh oxygenated blood that helps nourish from the inside out!

I also go to the gym or for a walk outside moving my body and getting out of the house is another helpful way I deal with the day to day stress.

Music, watching my fav movie or watching something educational or motivational to help keep me motivated as well as relax.

Massage either thanks to my lovely hubby or at my gym, getting my hair done or nails.

Its all about finding what works for you, making the time for you and most importantly connecting your body and giving it what it needs!

My journey is weightloss focused and this is very stressful on my body, I work, run my home and family so stress is high but when I make the time to do what makes me happy the stress just melts away and I can enjoy my day and when something unforeseeable crops up I have the energy and ability to cope :)

But remember e all have bad days, its normal!
On Friday still manflu ridden I was just done, my house was a dump and no body was helping in fact my kiddies we so glued to their devices I could of starved if I hadn't had soup in the freezer, I actually told my children I have failed as a mother and I have raised ARSEHOLES...... Yep it was a bad day!
BUT the next morning I got up, dry brushed, did a facial enjoyed a hot shower and then took myself out for the morning. I came home apologized to my kiddies and sat them down and said from now on you guys need to get more involved in the daily running of the house, we will see how this works!

Never give up, just keep trying :)

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