Tuesday, June 5, 2018

How my journey began

SO it all began years ago, I woke up feeling like poo AGAIN an emotional train wreck with aches and pains another pimple the size of a mountain and I had a massive day ahead of me! I skipped brekky, slammed down a triple shot coffee and went about my day feeling miserable. This was not unlike the day before or the day before that..... It was my life, well I'd had enough!

So I visit the Doctors they told me I needed to lose weight, I tried every diet, every pill, every shake that man has created and then yo yo back and forth on the scales, in and out of gym routine, one fade after the other to no real effect. Back to the doctors a few pokes here and there and a pint of blood later and the answer was cause I am a girl blah the conclusion was hormonal and here is a script for your symptoms.

Came home bewildered and upset with being a girl, thinking what on earth am I going to do these drugs seemed to have worse side affects than my actual symptoms.... Well in all honesty I stuck my head in the sand, ignored it and let the years roll on. It wasn't until 3 months ago that I decided enough was enough and that I needed to take my health back and look into a more natural way to heal my body.

So good old Google to the rescue.

Holistic healthcare kept coming up, me feeling stupid decided to look up what exactly holistic healthcare was and if it was for me. I've dabbled in essential oils, I enjoy a herbal tea now and then but I never really thought much about them as ways of healing my body, I mean I always thought that Doctors where the gods of healing. Boy was I wrong!

So this holistic thingy seemed pretty smart, to look at the whole and not just the symptoms CLEVER.

My thirst for knowledge was ignited! I wanted to know more and I wanted to immerse myself into it completely! Long story short I started with my diet, added in some herbal remedies/teas, essential oils and dry brushing to help support my body while it detoxed along with light exercise, journaling and the odd massage from my wonderful hubby. I've been getting so many compliments and questions about how I'm doing it that I thought I'd start a blog and share my journey, you can learn along with me :)

Image result for holistic health

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