Wednesday, June 13, 2018

So you eat lettuce?

When I first started on my WholeFood PlantBased journey it was just Gladys, hubby and myself as I felt like I needed to take away as much pressure on myself as I could. I wasn't confident in myself either as I have tried 'diet' after 'diet' and failure was something I was thinking I was destined for....

Well 1 week into the diet (after the horrid detox wore off) I was out for a cup of tea with my mum when a friend spotted me and said how awesome my skin was looking. Week 2 I went out for a cup of tea with my bestie and she couldn't get over how healthy I was looking. By week 4 I was getting blown away by the compliments (my head was getting too big to fit through the door hehe) so it was time to let the cat outta the bag!

So I started to share on facebook my meals, tell my friends and family what I was doing and the questions were flying:
 'OMG have you killed anyone since giving up coffee?' funny enough no
'Where do you get protein from?' Plant based protein is very readily available
 But the best question I get is 'so what do you eat?' I think people assume I just eat salad all day or worse just lettuce......
I eat a rainbow EVERY day :)

I also have attracted some negativity about cutting out meat, dairy and oils but I think that's more to so with what we have been bought up with as 'healthy' there is so much info out there about what is good and what is bad that we are now so confused and the truth is like finding a needle in a hay stack or worse something that you have to pay hundreds of dollars for from a so called professional.

In fact if I told you by simply cutting out meat, dairy and oil you'd lose weight, become pain free and most of all regain a natural state of health you'd most likely laugh at me! I didn't believe it either but I am now over 21kg lighter, pain free, don't take any medication and all my health issues have just disappeared :)

It is only now I fully understand what my body needs and how toxic our diets have become with all this prepackaged and fast foods!

Now I only shop locally from farmers markets, I shop for organic fresh veg weekly, I prep my food by washing and chopping it up and putting it in containers (plastic naughty I know but when I need containers I'll buy mason jars promise) and I also cook up a few meals like baked beans, a soup and the staples like rice and chickpeas. 

For recipe ideas I find this website super handy

Now to the mum's out there, don't make two meals its just silly you work hard enough as it is why double your workload! Instead let the family enjoy your veggie dish as a main with a side of their fave meat, if it needs bulking out there is always pasta or potato. Now a word on meat, after watching a few documentaries on Netflix I decided the only way I could buy meat in good conscious was to buy direct from the farmer, make sure it is ethically farmed, no chemicals used and that they only kill what was needed I am lucky enough to have such a farm that I can put my order in (a few weeks in advance, yes its that fresh) and then I can pick it up either from his farm or at the next farmers market. 

Last week at the farmers market I also purchased reusable net produce bags, a keep cup and I am looking into shampoo bars and bento box style lunch boxes as they too are waste and chemical free :)