Sunday, June 10, 2018


Ok I will be brutally honest....

I thought my diet was ok. so I was not prepared for the shit storm that was my first week of REAL EATING!

It was horrendous......

I thought I was gonna die! LEGIT

So I was a coffee drinker (Ok so I had more coffee in my veins than blood) I ate chocolate, cheese and take away ALOT more than I'd like to admit. So cutting them out caused my body to go into a complete melt down!

Headaches, hot & cold sweats, nausea, short temper and if those weren't enough I had cravings that just wouldn't let up, I'd actually dream about those foods that I missed most!

Crazy I know!

But I managed to ride the dragon that was DETOX

I used the time to educate myself both in food and in ways to deal with my symptoms without resorting to putting more 'crap' into my body.

Netflix had an awesome range of food related documentaries that definitely helped me to stay n track while also solidifying in my mind that I was on the right track. I then looked up holistic and home remedies for my symptoms, so instead of resorting to pain medication or other medication I used herbal teas, essential oils, dry brushing, hot showers, massage and lots of filtered water to help eliminate the toxins that my body was releasing.

Week 2 my energy started to return my symptoms had disappeared and I was starting to feel like a new person, I was able to return to the gym, I was able to juggle domestic goddess duties and work while still having energy to be a social butterfly.

I was becoming a new creature, a creature that I was starting to like :)

Week 3 the scales were showing my hard work paying off.

Week 4 I was starting to tighten up my nutrition.

I am now in a place where everything comes naturally, coffee, chocolate, meat, dairy are far away from thoughts and all I think about now is fresh organic veggies :)

Change is hard, I struggled and rebelled for a long time. I was blind to what the food I was consuming was REALLY doing to me, food was for a long time my comfort, I never saw it as nourishment I saw it as pain relief, a way to celebrate, a way to get that'something' I was missing in life. 

I've changed my relationship with food, I now see food as my fuel source and my medicine. My food now prevents ill health, food now is my way to respect my body and love myself!

Change can be a good thing :)

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