Wednesday, July 4, 2018

No I am not Vegan BUT......

I get asked daily if I am Vegan?

When I say 'no I am whole food plant based' they look at me funny and say 'so Vegan then!'

Simply put Veganism is based on animal cruelty where as WFPB is based on eating for health.

The real difference is that I (mostly, still a work in progress) don't eat anything out of a packet, nothing processed. Everything is as close to its natural whole food as possible no added salt, oil or sugar and when I do buy something in a tin I always read the labels, where as most Vegans (not all) don't read labels, eat packet foods that are heavily processed and contain more numbers than plant based food, I like to call them 'food like products'.

I was watching a documentary the other day where a doctor explained that although 'natural flavoring' may have started from something natural but is now so over processed with additional chemicals added that its no longer 'natural' yet companies still claim its natural because it started from something natural..... Confusing isn't it? So how do we really know whats in our food? WFPB takes out this confusion for me :)

I must admit since starting my journey I've become very curious in where my food comes from, I also understand and sympathies with the Veganism goal of removing animal cruelty from society. I've watched a few documentaries now on the treatment of animals breed for the meat/dairy industry and find it absolutely appalling and definitely a topic (I feel) should be made public because something should be done! 

Lucent (full doco found on YouTube) is an Australian documentary, it was just what I was looking for in the sense that I had seen many american and European documentaries and wondered could this be what we experience here in our beloved Australia, could we be just as bad? In fact I honestly think we are WORSE, the treatment of the animals was just disgraceful I had to look away many times! It also got me questioning what type of people these slaughter house workers!

I plan to watch Dominion next, it is the 2018 squeal to the 2014 Lucent. I am pretty sure its on Netflix.

I can't exactly explain why I put myself through watching such heartbreaking documentaries, I mean what can I do? Well I hope through what I share here, on my Facebook and with my family that I can educate them to make better choices. I also hope through my not buying meat,dairy and other animal products that I am at least not adding to the problem.

The thing that veganism misses however is their own health, they are so busy fighting a good cause yet forget that if they don't look after themselves they are in no real condition to fight the good fight! WFPB looks at the direct impact food has on the body, it looks at how whole food can heal the body and return the body to homeostasis while also harming none :)

The other thing that WFPB does is not support big food companies, instead it supports local vegetable farmers and for me it also means supporting local home based business that make products such as vegan soap. I have also started to eliminate chemicals such as bleach and replace it with things like vinegar and essential oils, in fact for me my journey has taken me to what I'd like to think a better place, a more environmentally friendly, more caring place.

I hope you are enjoying the hustle and bustle that is school holidays.

Don't forget if you have any questions just pop them in the comments :)

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