Sunday, July 8, 2018


Whether its what your eating, what your putting on your body or using in the home trying to make change to these things is difficult!

From my own personal experience when I make changes I can change completely for a week or two and then stop, I think for me if I am not doing something perfectly then I am failing. I have found since getting older and life getting busier that when I enact a change it lasts days then I am back to old habits!

What I failed to realize is that a HABIT takes time to learn, time to ingrain itself into my every day life, THEREFORE it's going to take time to unlearn!

Habits become some natural you become UNAWARE of them! So true, when I first embarked on my Plant Based eating I was fine at home because I was surrounded by veg but when I went out I would order the 'usual' food because that was my habit! I changed that habit by adding a new habit that has now become ingrained in my mind, so it has pushed out the old habit and replaced it :)

It took time though, just like any habit that you want to change or replace.

So you need to be your own cheer leader!

And what I mean by this is get excited about your small achievements, so you go out to dinner and you follow your new goal and eat the plant based meal 'WOO HOO GO YOU GOOD THING' relish in that amazing achievement..... The next time you go out for dinner, you forget to really look at the menu and ask questions about the meal and you order something that doesn't fit plant based goals, IT'S OK! YOU HAVEN'T FAILED!! Instead look at ways that you can make your next dinner out a success.

Once you change your thinking, once you stop beating yourself up, you'll start seeing the successes more than the failures and before you know it you only see the positives and this amazing feeling you get will become the norm!

This can be applied to any goal :)

I joined Plastic free July, my first day was a failure because I was not used to saying 'no' to plastic, I was also very unaware of things that were plastic for example plastic straws. Instead of dwelling on my failure I went home and started educating myself on plastic and thinking of ways to make my next shopping day a success! So now I have my reusable bags in my car, I have one in my handbag along with my reusable cup and I also have ordered myself reusable straws, cutlery and lunchbox.

If you'd like to join me on my Plastic free July follow this link: https://plasticfreejuly.seedsandsprouts?kid=Q1DJT

Start by writing down your goals down, break them down, really get stuck in! Get excited! Be your own cheer squad! Surround yourself with like minded peeps!

You've got this!

Anything you want, you can achieve it :)

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