Tuesday, July 17, 2018

All the local Mum's are smiling

Mum's are doing the happy dance, I know I did :)

So I was going to write a post on Monday but I was just soooooo busy putting my house back in order I fell asleep after dinner!

So I have been a busy bee, Monday was used to put the house back into working order and spent time brewing potions to help combat the winter blues (Lets be honest my children have been germ infested snot monsters so the house needed to be burnt down really, but instead I opted for a potion with ninja abilities to hunt down those germies and kill them before they knew what was coming hehe) I also made up a hearty soup using up all my limp veg, cleaned out the science projects from the back of the fridge.

Today I made some bathroom products, sandwich wraps (reusable, vegan plantbased wax) and I started working through toys, bathroom cupboards and junk draws using my new minimalist approach. I am so proud of my efforts, I have a basket of gifts, donations and re-purposable items and only one small bag of rubbish..... WINNING

I have also managed to go out to the shopping center and not go into Kmart.... I know true strength right there!!!

Tomorrow on my 'to do' list is minimizing my clothing, minimizing the kitchen cupboards and writing out a menu with new tasty meals to try.

I have to confess I have been a little lazy, I've resorted to pack foods and takeaways because I have been unorganized while working. No excuse though!!!

Sometimes life gets in the way.... And that's Ok!

Keep trying!

I have noticed that I am more aware of what I want, I want to remain feeling amazing, I know how to get those feelings, by eating Whole Food Plant Based and I know that I can do it! I just need some time out to recover from a busy fortnight and get back to planning :)

I forgot my number one rule #To make myself a priority

I think as a mum I forget to say NO, I also put everyone else's needs first.

It is not selfish to put yourself first, infact its the best thing you can do for your family!

If your happy then your family will be happy..... YUP its that simple :)

So now that the school holidays are over it;s time to get your mojo back!!!!

Take up a class or hobby, try something new, go visit a new place or catch up with friends, volunteer in your community.... Do something that makes YOU happy.

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