Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Saying No....

Ok hands up if you find saying 'No' hard........ ME ME ME

OMG why is such a tiny word so freaking hard to say!?!

No thank you I don't want that tree you just used to print out information that could of easily been emailed to me, No thank you I don't want that plastic bag, No thank you I am not an environmental jerk!

On the weekend I went to a beautiful new farmers market, it was a new one in my local area. I had in my head that I was going to ask questions, say no to plastic and not buy anything wasteful.... I succeeded :)

But today at a meeting I felt guilty about not accepting a gift bag and then I had to take copies of paper work home...... It's cause I have British blood in me, it's a Netflix serious so it's true hehe

There also seems to be some sort of stigma associated with being environmentally friendly, people give you a weird look when you say no thank you to things or they tag you as a hippy, a greeny or that your some sort of trash Nazi..... I don't mind the idea of wearing tie-dyed clothing and hugging a tree or two but I am definitely no Nazi!

I am more aware of my environment because I want my kids to grow up in a world that still has natural beauty like forests, trash free beaches and clean fresh air :) But I also want to teach my kids the value of what the environment has to offer and that if we look after it, it will provide for them for the rest of their lives and their children's lives.

I just signed up to a permaculture course so that I can learn how to grow veggies and then pass that knowledge onto my kiddies, I have just set up a proper compost bin and my next project is setting up a better recycling zone and teaching my kiddies how to wash and separate their recycling.

Us parents have the ability to mold our children, to pass on our knowledge and to share our mistakes so that they don't repeat them! So it is with this knowledge that I am going to push passed the 'saying no is hard' I am also going to push passed the stigma and show how much this lifestyle has helped me to see whats important to me and how happy this lifestyle not only makes me but also for my family :)

If you want to join my journey comment below X

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