Tuesday, July 24, 2018


So when I started my quest to minimizing my household 'stuff' I had no idea the chaos that was going to breakout!

OMG we have sooooooo much CRAP!!!!!

Currently my boot is stuffed filled with things to donate!

Its funny though I was hanging onto a lot of 'stuff' for stupid reason's like 'I might  need that late or it was expensive' none of this stuff bought me happiness let alone serve a purpose other than gathering dust and taking up space.

I never thought this stuff was harmful until now.....

All that stuff was taking valuable time and energy away from what does make me happy, my family :)

I have completed about half the house and I already feel like a big weight has been lifted off my shoulders, cleaning up only takes an hour instead of the WHOLE day and I now have time for more important things.

I have also learned to delegate, my time is important and valuable and I can't do EVERYTHING on my own so I have enlisted the help of a lovely gardener to clean up my jungle, I have my step father coming over to help me remove some hard rubbish to the appropriate recycling facility and I am getting my weekly shopping delivered from an organic farm.

I feel so good, less stressed, more relaxed..... Who'd of thought living with less would give you so much in return :)

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