A shout out to all you Mum's trying to put your health first!
For me school holidays are a love hate thing, love not getting up early or being on a schedule but hate how school holidays meant that my 'diet' and gym routine were also on holidays..... Anyone else?
So I decided to use this 2 week holidays to start a new holidays trend! I am getting my kids involved in the food prep, letting them decide whats for dinner while also adding some fun and adventure into the holidays.
Farmers markets will be a great place to teach my kiddies where the plant based diet really comes to life, meet the farmers and see what veg is in season now. Then I will show them how to wash and prepare the veg for storing in the fridge. I am also going to teach them about fermenting foods which is not only a great way to preserve food but also fantastic for gut health!
I also want my kiddies to unplug and get out into the fresh air! It's my fault too as I must admit when they are plugged into their devices the house is lovely and quiet BUT its time to unplug and connect with family and the great outdoors. Its too cold for camping here but definitely not too cold for some road trips to great hiking tracks :)
I am taking on a small challenge of saying no to plastic bags for July so I want to get the kiddies involved in that too, I already have my handy produce bags and my basket but I think I will purchase some more produce bags and a couple of bread bags. I plan to go back to bread making so that will eliminate bagged bread, I just have to remember to say no to bags at some of my fave veg stalls as a couple still use plastic bags but this is where the kiddies can remind me!
I also purchased a greenhouse, so I reckon the kiddies can help me set that up as its HUGE and maybe they have greener thumbs than mine! I have started some seeds ready for the green house, I'm looking at doing small crops of the veg we eat most and maybe one or two things we haven't tried yet.
So what are your holiday plans?
Friday, June 29, 2018
Monday, June 25, 2018
Dealing with stress
As a mum of three (four when you include hubby :P)
stress is a natural part of every day life, I myself am always watching the clock, checking my 'to do' list, reminding the kids to grab their lunch (usually checking if lunch is actually in their bags and they're not just saying it) watch the time slip away as my patients wears thin, usually ask myself how many times do I have to do this till they can do it themselves..... Where's your shoes? where's your socks? why are you still eating brekky? WE ARE LATE!!!!An this is just the week days!
Then your juggling work, extended family, friendships, staying active, eating healthy...... The list goes on and on!
But what about the stress that we don't see, the toll that our thoughts have on our bodies?
So I started with what I already had in my house (remember I was the fad queen so a lot of things are still floating around my house) I had a great selection of essential oils, now what I love about essential oils is not only can they replace the need for some modern day medicines they also all have multiple purposes so one oil can 'fix' multiple problems!
For example Lavender essential oil:
I always use a carrier oil and I use a therapeutic dose, so if I am massaging my tummy I will use carrier oil in the palm of my hand it would be about the size of a 20 cent piece then I would add 1 drop of essential oil, I usually choose 2-3 oils so a drop of each. I then massage in clock wise circular stroke this helps to aid digestion, move lymph and stimulate blood circulation.
Essential oils can aid weightloss, improve moods, increase detoxification, improve skin and so much more.
But do your homework, just like buying food when your buying essential oils read labels, buy a brand that you can trust! I personally use doTerra and AWO I use oils topically, in my bath water and in my diffuser.
I have also been using dry brushing with a natural bamboo brush, in long strokes starting from your toes and working up the body, stroke towards the heart in an upward motion with a firm pressure (start off light and as your body adjust get firmer) I do this every second day before I hop into a nice hot shower. On the other day I use exfoliating gloves with a vegan soap that has lemongrass essential oils in. These exfoliating techniques don't just get rid of dead skin, they also aid in detoxifying, moving lymph towards the two drainage points near the collar bone but also bring in fresh oxygenated blood that helps nourish from the inside out!
I also go to the gym or for a walk outside moving my body and getting out of the house is another helpful way I deal with the day to day stress.
Music, watching my fav movie or watching something educational or motivational to help keep me motivated as well as relax.
Massage either thanks to my lovely hubby or at my gym, getting my hair done or nails.
Its all about finding what works for you, making the time for you and most importantly connecting your body and giving it what it needs!
My journey is weightloss focused and this is very stressful on my body, I work, run my home and family so stress is high but when I make the time to do what makes me happy the stress just melts away and I can enjoy my day and when something unforeseeable crops up I have the energy and ability to cope :)
But remember e all have bad days, its normal!
On Friday still manflu ridden I was just done, my house was a dump and no body was helping in fact my kiddies we so glued to their devices I could of starved if I hadn't had soup in the freezer, I actually told my children I have failed as a mother and I have raised ARSEHOLES...... Yep it was a bad day!
BUT the next morning I got up, dry brushed, did a facial enjoyed a hot shower and then took myself out for the morning. I came home apologized to my kiddies and sat them down and said from now on you guys need to get more involved in the daily running of the house, we will see how this works!
Never give up, just keep trying :)
Wednesday, June 20, 2018
Man flu *achooo*
Women down women down!!!!
Man flu has got me!
Pass the loo roll......
So when I am usually sick I just chug down some over the counter 'drugs' and push on, bugger the Dr cause he'll either say its a cold let it run its course or here have some antibiotics (I'm not sure if you can tell but my faith in Drs has dwindled) BUT the last thing I want to do is put CRAP into my obviously compromised body!
Since transitioning to WFPB (Whole Food Plant Based) I haven't been sick, not even a headache! So being bed ridden is annoying me to say the least!! So between catching up on Facebook gossip and Netflix binge watching I have come to understand why I am sick, its my bodies way of telling me I've been a JERK!
Yep I sure have, first I take away all the stuff its used to, then throw all this 'new' stuff at it, hit the gym hard, work night and day on my varies commitments, run the family home, play nurse at night to all the germy kiddies and yet I expect my body to keep up... I am a JERK!
So I've kept kiddies home, made a huge batch of stop flu soup, made some essential oil shower fizzies, made a cough syrup and my sweet hubby bought me vegan herbal caps that help reduce flu symptoms. Lots of green tea, fresh veg and fruit with a well balanced Netflix binge hehe
Today is day two in bed and I am already feeling better, I am still a snot monster but I am an awake snot monster lol and plan to use my day wisely. I've bought my laptop to bed and plan to order essential oils, more packaging (as I have sold out again) and plot to take over the world I mean plot my business plan hehe oh I also did the shopping, organised a sweet 16th and told mother off for not looking after herself so I think I've earned a nap :)
Man flu has got me!
Pass the loo roll......
So when I am usually sick I just chug down some over the counter 'drugs' and push on, bugger the Dr cause he'll either say its a cold let it run its course or here have some antibiotics (I'm not sure if you can tell but my faith in Drs has dwindled) BUT the last thing I want to do is put CRAP into my obviously compromised body!
Since transitioning to WFPB (Whole Food Plant Based) I haven't been sick, not even a headache! So being bed ridden is annoying me to say the least!! So between catching up on Facebook gossip and Netflix binge watching I have come to understand why I am sick, its my bodies way of telling me I've been a JERK!
Yep I sure have, first I take away all the stuff its used to, then throw all this 'new' stuff at it, hit the gym hard, work night and day on my varies commitments, run the family home, play nurse at night to all the germy kiddies and yet I expect my body to keep up... I am a JERK!
So I've kept kiddies home, made a huge batch of stop flu soup, made some essential oil shower fizzies, made a cough syrup and my sweet hubby bought me vegan herbal caps that help reduce flu symptoms. Lots of green tea, fresh veg and fruit with a well balanced Netflix binge hehe
Today is day two in bed and I am already feeling better, I am still a snot monster but I am an awake snot monster lol and plan to use my day wisely. I've bought my laptop to bed and plan to order essential oils, more packaging (as I have sold out again) and plot to take over the world I mean plot my business plan hehe oh I also did the shopping, organised a sweet 16th and told mother off for not looking after herself so I think I've earned a nap :)
Sunday, June 17, 2018
Whole Food Plant Based is expensive?
Short answer NO
Long answer any lifestyle change comes at with expenses BUT once your kitchen, pantry, fridge and freezer are set up you will be blown away by just how much you will save!
When I first decide to change my lifestyle, I just started with the instructions in this book and I was blown away with how inexpensive it was to feed myself and I found that the recipes made enough for my family to eat the same as me except I still added meat BUT the portion was that of a side and the veg dish took up 3/4 of the plate. This meant that not only was I eating healthfully but so too was my family with little extra work (no two different meals in this house)
As a side note, I am gradually transitioning my family but I wont take anything away from them it is their CHOICE, I educate them and allow them to sample and experience whole food plant based without pressure.
I finished my 4 week plan, I didn't feel frightened by the end unlike plans in the past instead I felt empowered to continue and change my lifestyle FURTHER!
I started to research and further educate myself and my family.
Eat to live, fork over knives are great beginner documentaries, one thing that stayed with me was we have more drugs now than we ever did just like we have more disease than we ever did! The other thing that stuck with me was whats more difficult changing your lifestyle to plant based or having surgery?
So mostly I myself get told that its too expensive, this graphic was posted on Emma Roche's Facebook group page and it really does explain the difference between Vegan and Plant based:
Long answer any lifestyle change comes at with expenses BUT once your kitchen, pantry, fridge and freezer are set up you will be blown away by just how much you will save!
I used to think 'How can you put a price on your health?' legit question right..... Hmmm not so much because the reality of this question was 'what health product could I put a price on' I was under the impression health either came from a pill from your doctor or from a special health food shop that came with special price tags!
I have now realised that the price of health is the price of a book :)
Although I was very lucky as a very special lady gifted me this amazing life changing book!When I first decide to change my lifestyle, I just started with the instructions in this book and I was blown away with how inexpensive it was to feed myself and I found that the recipes made enough for my family to eat the same as me except I still added meat BUT the portion was that of a side and the veg dish took up 3/4 of the plate. This meant that not only was I eating healthfully but so too was my family with little extra work (no two different meals in this house)
As a side note, I am gradually transitioning my family but I wont take anything away from them it is their CHOICE, I educate them and allow them to sample and experience whole food plant based without pressure.
I finished my 4 week plan, I didn't feel frightened by the end unlike plans in the past instead I felt empowered to continue and change my lifestyle FURTHER!
I started to research and further educate myself and my family.
Eat to live, fork over knives are great beginner documentaries, one thing that stayed with me was we have more drugs now than we ever did just like we have more disease than we ever did! The other thing that stuck with me was whats more difficult changing your lifestyle to plant based or having surgery?
So mostly I myself get told that its too expensive, this graphic was posted on Emma Roche's Facebook group page and it really does explain the difference between Vegan and Plant based:
My shopping bill has drastically reduced, the way I shop has drastically changed!
My veggie bill for the past 4 weeks comes to the total of $92 for a family of 5, my veggies came with dirt on them, no pesticides and they didn't come in plastic and they were picked fresh that morning. How do I do it, I go to farmers markets! I get all my fruit and veg from local farmers, the taste is out of this world :)
I wanted to go even further and change out every product I use and replace it with a natural product. So I now make my own home remedies for headaches, colds and flu, tummy aches etc mostly with essential oils of herbal teas. I now make my own deodorant, toothpaste and skincare I also replaced all my makeup with vegan plant based.
I'm now planning to grow my own herbs and some veg, make my own kombucha, sauerkraut, sauces, dressing, tofu and plant based cheeses.
I am loving being in the kitchen, I'm loving knowing that what I am putting into my body and my families bodies is nourishing us but mostly I am just so glad to no longer be confused by what is good for us!
Saturday, June 16, 2018
Mind over matter
When I first started, I started transitioning gradually.
Lets be honest its a HUGE change your undertaking!
I've also discovered that its not just food and that what I think is just as important!
Lets be honest its a HUGE change your undertaking!
I've also discovered that its not just food and that what I think is just as important!
I've tried to 'get healthy' 'lose weight' for a very long time, I've tried many diets, potions and exercise programs. Some were successful but then I'd go back to my old ways and gain it all back and usually with extra!
I never put much thought into why I gained it all back, I thought it was me being lazy or that I had no self control..... But the reality is that my mind wasn't in it!
When I was at my healthiest weight I still saw a fat chick, I still saw my fat rolls, my fat ass and my thick thighs. I look back on photos now and don't see any of those things, I now look in the mirror and feel sad that I let myself go!
Negative self talk
In order for me to change my thoughts I had to forgive myself, forgive my past choices and wipe the slate clean, it was time to start fresh :)
I decided to try flower essence.
Twice a day under the tongue, hold it under your tongue and think of your past melting away and the weight of your past leaving you as your heart opens up to the new freedom.
I found this utterly freeing, I even marked the occasion with a tattoo so that I will always have a reminder of how far I have come and how amazing I felt so that in times of doubt I can look at it and remember.
I also keep a journal, it's a great way to try and process the good and the bad. Its a great way to keep track of my progress as well as track where I might be going wrong, its a great learning tool and a great way to cope.
I'm no longer allowing my past to interfere with my future, I am taking control of my mental health as well as my physical health! And boy oh boy I cannot tell you how empowering it feels :)
And guess what... you can do it too :)
Do it your way!
Find what works for you :)
Wednesday, June 13, 2018
So you eat lettuce?
When I first started on my WholeFood PlantBased journey it was just Gladys, hubby and myself as I felt like I needed to take away as much pressure on myself as I could. I wasn't confident in myself either as I have tried 'diet' after 'diet' and failure was something I was thinking I was destined for....
Well 1 week into the diet (after the horrid detox wore off) I was out for a cup of tea with my mum when a friend spotted me and said how awesome my skin was looking. Week 2 I went out for a cup of tea with my bestie and she couldn't get over how healthy I was looking. By week 4 I was getting blown away by the compliments (my head was getting too big to fit through the door hehe) so it was time to let the cat outta the bag!
So I started to share on facebook my meals, tell my friends and family what I was doing and the questions were flying:
'OMG have you killed anyone since giving up coffee?' funny enough no
'Where do you get protein from?' Plant based protein is very readily available
But the best question I get is 'so what do you eat?' I think people assume I just eat salad all day or worse just lettuce......
I eat a rainbow EVERY day :)
I also have attracted some negativity about cutting out meat, dairy and oils but I think that's more to so with what we have been bought up with as 'healthy' there is so much info out there about what is good and what is bad that we are now so confused and the truth is like finding a needle in a hay stack or worse something that you have to pay hundreds of dollars for from a so called professional.
In fact if I told you by simply cutting out meat, dairy and oil you'd lose weight, become pain free and most of all regain a natural state of health you'd most likely laugh at me! I didn't believe it either but I am now over 21kg lighter, pain free, don't take any medication and all my health issues have just disappeared :)
It is only now I fully understand what my body needs and how toxic our diets have become with all this prepackaged and fast foods!
Now I only shop locally from farmers markets, I shop for organic fresh veg weekly, I prep my food by washing and chopping it up and putting it in containers (plastic naughty I know but when I need containers I'll buy mason jars promise) and I also cook up a few meals like baked beans, a soup and the staples like rice and chickpeas.
For recipe ideas I find this website super handy
Now to the mum's out there, don't make two meals its just silly you work hard enough as it is why double your workload! Instead let the family enjoy your veggie dish as a main with a side of their fave meat, if it needs bulking out there is always pasta or potato. Now a word on meat, after watching a few documentaries on Netflix I decided the only way I could buy meat in good conscious was to buy direct from the farmer, make sure it is ethically farmed, no chemicals used and that they only kill what was needed I am lucky enough to have such a farm that I can put my order in (a few weeks in advance, yes its that fresh) and then I can pick it up either from his farm or at the next farmers market.
Last week at the farmers market I also purchased reusable net produce bags, a keep cup and I am looking into shampoo bars and bento box style lunch boxes as they too are waste and chemical free :)
Monday, June 11, 2018
The holistic bit
I never took much stock in what my body was made up, what is needed let alone the mind and the spirit..... In fact I feel really stupid right now!
So when I started feeling better after detoxing I started to see how amazing my body is and how I needed to look after it and to do it in a way where I was treating the whole not just the symptom!
So I decided I needed to go back to school but not any old school I needed the alternative kind. So I enrolled in an alternative therapy college and signed up for a holistic health course, so far I have completed Aromatherapy, Massage & Wholefood plant based diet next I am studying herbal remedies.
Even though I have only scratched the surface I have already managed to heal my body in ways I never thought possible, My doctor wanted to put me on hormonal replacement and now my body has righted itself with the simple change of my diet. I no longer use Panadol or any other pain killers, I have managed tummy aches, head colds, muscle pains (exercise induced) all with Essential oils and herbal tea as well as the odd massage from my hubby.
For 3 months I have been completely chemical free, both in my home and what I put in my body. It's been a long road of research, label reading and time testing products to find what works for me and my family. All I can say is the time and effort is worth it :)
It all started with a list of this I use on a daily bases and then I researched to find replacements. You can do this to :)
I've also started making a lot of my replacements, things like lip balm and deodorant. Its cheaper, you know exactly whats in it and its so rewarding when you can share these homemade gifts with your friends and family :)
So when I started feeling better after detoxing I started to see how amazing my body is and how I needed to look after it and to do it in a way where I was treating the whole not just the symptom!
So I decided I needed to go back to school but not any old school I needed the alternative kind. So I enrolled in an alternative therapy college and signed up for a holistic health course, so far I have completed Aromatherapy, Massage & Wholefood plant based diet next I am studying herbal remedies.
Even though I have only scratched the surface I have already managed to heal my body in ways I never thought possible, My doctor wanted to put me on hormonal replacement and now my body has righted itself with the simple change of my diet. I no longer use Panadol or any other pain killers, I have managed tummy aches, head colds, muscle pains (exercise induced) all with Essential oils and herbal tea as well as the odd massage from my hubby.
For 3 months I have been completely chemical free, both in my home and what I put in my body. It's been a long road of research, label reading and time testing products to find what works for me and my family. All I can say is the time and effort is worth it :)
It all started with a list of this I use on a daily bases and then I researched to find replacements. You can do this to :)
I've also started making a lot of my replacements, things like lip balm and deodorant. Its cheaper, you know exactly whats in it and its so rewarding when you can share these homemade gifts with your friends and family :)
Sunday, June 10, 2018
Ok I will be brutally honest....
I thought my diet was ok. so I was not prepared for the shit storm that was my first week of REAL EATING!
It was horrendous......
I thought I was gonna die! LEGIT
So I was a coffee drinker (Ok so I had more coffee in my veins than blood) I ate chocolate, cheese and take away ALOT more than I'd like to admit. So cutting them out caused my body to go into a complete melt down!
Headaches, hot & cold sweats, nausea, short temper and if those weren't enough I had cravings that just wouldn't let up, I'd actually dream about those foods that I missed most!
Crazy I know!
But I managed to ride the dragon that was DETOX
I used the time to educate myself both in food and in ways to deal with my symptoms without resorting to putting more 'crap' into my body.
Netflix had an awesome range of food related documentaries that definitely helped me to stay n track while also solidifying in my mind that I was on the right track. I then looked up holistic and home remedies for my symptoms, so instead of resorting to pain medication or other medication I used herbal teas, essential oils, dry brushing, hot showers, massage and lots of filtered water to help eliminate the toxins that my body was releasing.
Week 2 my energy started to return my symptoms had disappeared and I was starting to feel like a new person, I was able to return to the gym, I was able to juggle domestic goddess duties and work while still having energy to be a social butterfly.
I was becoming a new creature, a creature that I was starting to like :)
Week 3 the scales were showing my hard work paying off.
Week 4 I was starting to tighten up my nutrition.
I am now in a place where everything comes naturally, coffee, chocolate, meat, dairy are far away from thoughts and all I think about now is fresh organic veggies :)
Change is hard, I struggled and rebelled for a long time. I was blind to what the food I was consuming was REALLY doing to me, food was for a long time my comfort, I never saw it as nourishment I saw it as pain relief, a way to celebrate, a way to get that'something' I was missing in life.
I've changed my relationship with food, I now see food as my fuel source and my medicine. My food now prevents ill health, food now is my way to respect my body and love myself!
Change can be a good thing :)
Wednesday, June 6, 2018
OMG I love food!!!!
But unfortunately I never really understood food.....
With all the 'diet; information out there I was so confused, my relationship with fast approached a negative one!
There was a time when I decided the mighty doctor was the way to go, whom skipped around my questions loosely advised to eat less 'junkfood' and sent me on my way. So I did as I was told (for once) had little success but really how much success can one have when the advice is so spars? So back to a different doctor I went who too skipped around the question and when I told him politely his advice sucked he referred me on to a nutritionist.
I entered the nutritionists office with joy in my heart that today was the day I would finally learn the wholly grail of what to eat...... Man was I wrong! Instead I felt like I was back in primary school, my teacher close to my side holding up a colorful chart saying 'now out of this pretty box you can eat 3 serves, what will you eat?' wrinkly old finger then moves to the next pretty box and with the same enthusiasm asks the same sort of question. After feeling completely belittled I cam away feeling even more dazed about what to eat.
So bring on the negative cycle that was fad dieting!
It wasn't until a lovely friend held my hand and said I know what you need to do to get off this negative unhealthy roller coaster, placed a book in my hand and said here try this.
But unfortunately I never really understood food.....
With all the 'diet; information out there I was so confused, my relationship with fast approached a negative one!
There was a time when I decided the mighty doctor was the way to go, whom skipped around my questions loosely advised to eat less 'junkfood' and sent me on my way. So I did as I was told (for once) had little success but really how much success can one have when the advice is so spars? So back to a different doctor I went who too skipped around the question and when I told him politely his advice sucked he referred me on to a nutritionist.
I entered the nutritionists office with joy in my heart that today was the day I would finally learn the wholly grail of what to eat...... Man was I wrong! Instead I felt like I was back in primary school, my teacher close to my side holding up a colorful chart saying 'now out of this pretty box you can eat 3 serves, what will you eat?' wrinkly old finger then moves to the next pretty box and with the same enthusiasm asks the same sort of question. After feeling completely belittled I cam away feeling even more dazed about what to eat.
So bring on the negative cycle that was fad dieting!
It wasn't until a lovely friend held my hand and said I know what you need to do to get off this negative unhealthy roller coaster, placed a book in my hand and said here try this.
It was exactly what I needed!
Step by step
This was the tipping point of my journey :)
Then brain played devils advocate..... I thought it was super restrictive, then I thought how could I live without coffee, Then OMG no chocolate, then I thought my diets not so bad, maybe I just need to workout harder, then I my fried chicken and chips with a side of aoli and mug of cappuccino.....Oh wait my diet is shit :0
So this book became my bible, I challenged myself to stick to the 4 weeks like glue and keep a journal. Once my 4 weeks were up I'd evaluate where I was at and decide if this was my holly grail, I had a few stumbles (fried chicken was my nemesis) but I lost 8kg, my aches and pains disappeared and my hormones balanced out all in the space of 4 weeks and I thought if this is what I could achieve with mistakes imagine what I could achieve if I was completely committed????
Here I am 3 months in and I am 20kg lighter :0
Full of energy
Pain free
Loving me
Owning life
So this was my first step. Stay tuned for what I did after I got my nutrition in check.
Tuesday, June 5, 2018
How my journey began
SO it all began years ago, I woke up feeling like poo AGAIN an emotional train wreck with aches and pains another pimple the size of a mountain and I had a massive day ahead of me! I skipped brekky, slammed down a triple shot coffee and went about my day feeling miserable. This was not unlike the day before or the day before that..... It was my life, well I'd had enough!
So I visit the Doctors they told me I needed to lose weight, I tried every diet, every pill, every shake that man has created and then yo yo back and forth on the scales, in and out of gym routine, one fade after the other to no real effect. Back to the doctors a few pokes here and there and a pint of blood later and the answer was cause I am a girl blah the conclusion was hormonal and here is a script for your symptoms.
Came home bewildered and upset with being a girl, thinking what on earth am I going to do these drugs seemed to have worse side affects than my actual symptoms.... Well in all honesty I stuck my head in the sand, ignored it and let the years roll on. It wasn't until 3 months ago that I decided enough was enough and that I needed to take my health back and look into a more natural way to heal my body.
So good old Google to the rescue.
Holistic healthcare kept coming up, me feeling stupid decided to look up what exactly holistic healthcare was and if it was for me. I've dabbled in essential oils, I enjoy a herbal tea now and then but I never really thought much about them as ways of healing my body, I mean I always thought that Doctors where the gods of healing. Boy was I wrong!
So this holistic thingy seemed pretty smart, to look at the whole and not just the symptoms CLEVER.
My thirst for knowledge was ignited! I wanted to know more and I wanted to immerse myself into it completely! Long story short I started with my diet, added in some herbal remedies/teas, essential oils and dry brushing to help support my body while it detoxed along with light exercise, journaling and the odd massage from my wonderful hubby. I've been getting so many compliments and questions about how I'm doing it that I thought I'd start a blog and share my journey, you can learn along with me :)
So I visit the Doctors they told me I needed to lose weight, I tried every diet, every pill, every shake that man has created and then yo yo back and forth on the scales, in and out of gym routine, one fade after the other to no real effect. Back to the doctors a few pokes here and there and a pint of blood later and the answer was cause I am a girl blah the conclusion was hormonal and here is a script for your symptoms.
Came home bewildered and upset with being a girl, thinking what on earth am I going to do these drugs seemed to have worse side affects than my actual symptoms.... Well in all honesty I stuck my head in the sand, ignored it and let the years roll on. It wasn't until 3 months ago that I decided enough was enough and that I needed to take my health back and look into a more natural way to heal my body.
So good old Google to the rescue.
Holistic healthcare kept coming up, me feeling stupid decided to look up what exactly holistic healthcare was and if it was for me. I've dabbled in essential oils, I enjoy a herbal tea now and then but I never really thought much about them as ways of healing my body, I mean I always thought that Doctors where the gods of healing. Boy was I wrong!
So this holistic thingy seemed pretty smart, to look at the whole and not just the symptoms CLEVER.
My thirst for knowledge was ignited! I wanted to know more and I wanted to immerse myself into it completely! Long story short I started with my diet, added in some herbal remedies/teas, essential oils and dry brushing to help support my body while it detoxed along with light exercise, journaling and the odd massage from my wonderful hubby. I've been getting so many compliments and questions about how I'm doing it that I thought I'd start a blog and share my journey, you can learn along with me :)
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