Thursday, August 9, 2018

What is throw away culture?

Believe it or not the phrase 'throw away culture' was first used by Pope Francis!

Pope Francis is referring to how everything seems to be disposable, replaceable or temporary. He also spoke about over flowing landfills being an obvious sign of our throw away culture.

Throw away culture is due to consumerism, we over-consume. Our excessive nature now influences over-production, disposable and less durable products.

As a kid I remember my mum taking our VCR (yes I am old) to get repaired, now days we just throw it out and buy another one! The same can be said for many things that we consume; clothing, toys and other household items.

When you add this culture on top of the single use plastic products its no wonder our landfills are over flowing!

We live in a society that portrays more is better, the more 'things' you own the better your are in societies eyes...... Media plays a big role in this misconception, I know as a child I was bought up to work hard for what I wanted, that nothing is handed to you on a silver platter. As a child my most prized possession was a walking doll, she went everywhere with me, she even got buckled into the car! When she broke my dad fixed her, when she was dirty she got a bath...... Nowadays a doll just gets replaced and I must admit I am guilty of this!

Manufactures make things to last so long and then be replaced they make things easily disposable although they never think about what happens when the item is disposed!

This topic certainly opens up a can or worms and is very complicated!

Part of the complication is resources, carbon footprint, followed by weighing up the costs of production, transporting etc which can sometimes lead to the conclusion that single use is cheaper to produce but of course doesn't breakdown in landfill so will remain in the ground for:

Instead of feeling overwhelmed by what I am discovering, I am slowly changing the way I shop. The way to change the world starts in your own home!

If I don't bring it into my home, I can't waste it

If I stop using single use plastics, I can't throw them away

If I fix it, I can't throw it away

If I re-purpose it, I can't throw it away

If I teach my kids to respect their possessions, They can't throw it away

If I share my journey with my family, They will join my journey

Even the smallest reduction of personal waste whether it be single use plastic or getting something fixed, reduces the amount you contribute to landfill :)

Lets embrace loving what we have, consuming only what we need and open our minds to embracing experiences over material 'things'.

Imagine what the world could become :)

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