Sunday, August 12, 2018

Old habits take time to beat....

Well beat isn't really the right the right word, in reality you are replacing a bad habit with a good one!

In any journey you need to be prepared for ups and downs!

Learning to be flexible, dropping the negative self talk when you do fluff up and resetting is the approach I take...... That makes it sound sooooo easy but unfortunately its taken me a long time with many failures to get to this 'happy' place.

When we embark on a journey we seem to have this all or nothing approach, mistakes are not seen as something to learn from but instead a complete and utter journey stopper!

If we could shift our thinking we can shift our journey.....

Think of your mistake as a step, use that step as a place to sit and think for a minute. Better yet get a journey diary, write down the mistake and pull it to pieces by asking questions like why it happened, how you can prevent it next time, how it makes you feel right now, what can you do right now to make this negative a positive?

Most of the time our mistakes aren't that big of a deal, but our all or nothing approach makes even the smallest thing a huge journey stopper!

I know you must be thinking 'easier said than done' and your right! I wont lie this process is fluffing hard! But as my mum always say's anything worth having is worth the hard work :)

Changing habits that you have had for many years is going to take many years to replace, but that doesn't mean you can't make positive steps now!

Setting goals creates a road map that you can follow.....

This is where I know I have gone wrong, I set a short time goal and had complete success but then I didn't reset I thought I could just go it alone..... WELL DER EM YOU CAN'T

So back to the drawing board, new goals, a new path, new steps towards my happy place :)

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