Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Food Hangover!

It is real!

It is when you wake up the next day after eating something 'off plan' and you feel hungover without the actual fun of drinking yourself into a stupor the night before!

Symptoms include headache of mammoth proportion, bloated, in need of a bucket, clammy, cold, hot, heavy head, brain fuzz and general feeling of MEH..... Yep Meh is a thing!

Then the emotional side of 'WTF was I thinking eating *insert chemical bomb here*'

One thing I didn't know when embarking on my Wholefood Plantbased diet was that if I slipped up or decided to cheat it would end in me being knocked on my arse!

Yesterday was a massive day of traveling, emotion and no time to eat properly if at all..... Today I am now suffering *considering if I need a bucket* my head may explode and my pants (yoga pants) feel tight, I generally feel MEH, cant be bothered doing my chores let alone spell correctly (spell check is my knight in shining armor) 

I am trying to nourish my body with fruit and veg smoothies, lots of water and essential oils to ease my headache..... But can't help thinking is this really worth it? Maybe I should just stay unhealthy?

I don't think it matters what health journey you are on! You have moments of WHY?

Life gets in the way, emotions, time restraints etc

Its easier to be unhealthy..... Sad but true.... At least how I feel right now

Yesterday was a tangle of emotions, saying goodbye to my 16 year old as she is off to explore Japan (first ever time over seas) then not wanting to be left out from eating like a 'normal person', temptation was EVERYWHERE and my sticking power was obviously left in bed! Then the tight schedule left me no time to have lunch or dinner and went to bed feeling BLA.....

Luckily today life can resume to normal, daughter safely landed and touched base with us *insert happy dance here*

But now to shake these feelings of MEH BLA and UGH..... Yes these too are real feelings lol

So bring on the happy music, uplifting essential oils a fresh sushi bowl and some sunshine!

Don't let bad day's, week's, month's throw you off your path, they are just steps in your journey, you can redirect those steps :)

Also don't let others tell you how your journey 'should be' it's yours, its personal and its none of their business, they can either support you or F@#ck off!

I am only learning it now, but I really do think that my Wholefood Plantbased diet has given me so much more than just health, its given me confidence in myself and the knowledge of what what my body REALLY needs :)

So if your having a bad day..... HANG IN THERE..... you got this ;)